Penandaan pada kemasan harus mencantumkan
Labelling on package should note
1. Nama Produk
product name
2. Nama dan alamat pabrik, distributor
importir name and address of manufacturer, distributors/importers
3. Komposisi/bahan penyusun
4. Berat bersih, isi bersih, ukuran
Net weight, net volume, quantity of each content
5. Nomor persetujuan pendaftaran
number of registration approval
6. Kode produksi
production code number
7. Kegunaan dan cara penggunaan
usage and direction of use
8. Tanggal kadaluarsa
Expiry date
9. Data stabilitas jika kurang dari 30 bulan
stability data if less than 30 months
10. Informasi lain yang berkaitan dengan keamanan dan atau mutu
Other information which related to safety and or quality
11. Kegunaan dan cara penggunaan harus dalam bahasa Indonesia
usage & direction of use should be in Indonesia language *)
*) Kecuali untuk produk-produk yang umum penggunaannya
*) Except for Common Used Product
Technical Document
Formula & Efficacy
Formula (kualitatif & Kuantitatif)
Formula (qualitative & quantitative) include function of each substance
Petunjuk penggunaan: kegunaan dan cara penggunaan, peringatan dan perhatian jika ada
Direction of use: usage and direction of use, warning & precaution, if any
Quality & Technology
Cara pembuatan: prosedur operasional Baku
Manufacturing process: standard operational Procedure
Spesifikasi bahan baku
Specification of raw material
Spesifikasi produk jadi
Spesification of finished product
Dear Suppliers & Principles
No | Formula | Data |
| Available | Un-available |
1 | Letter Of Distributor Appointment from the Principle or factory (LOA) |
2 | Free Sale Certificate From Country Of Origin Or Health Certificate (SFC) |
3 | Brand name, Product description, Packaging Count ( 1carton=? Outer/pcs) , Size (200gm?) , |
4 | Packaging Specification - Whats the Carton box material - Innner packing material
5 | Expiry Date Specification ( Shelf Life ?) - Expiry date code : DD?MM?YYYY
6 | Raw Materials Specification Eg : Preservatives E133 or coloring E120 , they want to know - the source & which company did U procure it from - Metals/ chemical properties - Micro – bacteria properties - Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI)
7 | Product Composition (Servings per package, Serving size Average Quantity Per serving, Average Qty Per 100gm/100ml…etc) Eg : Water : 20 % Aloe vera 50 & Alcohol 30%
8 | Product Ingredients List Specification (what ingredients goes into making this products) |
9 | Product Physical specification (Appearance & Colour) (taste & smell) (Viscosity) |
10 | Production Process Flow chart |
11 | Lab test analysis certificate of the products ( original needed). The results validity is within 1 year from the date of the certificate. 1) Chemical / Metals analysis 2) Micro-biology analysis 3) Nutrient Content 4) Formula Content |
1) 2 Letter of appointment for my company as the importer & distributor (ORIGINAL Copy Needed).
(a) Appointment as the authorise distributor .Ie “ We are please to confirm that we have appointed your company PT Aliest Indonesia as an authorise distributor for our range of products in Indonesia “
2) Composition cert
Ø Or Using your company’s letter head stating all the composition
Ø Alcohol: 10%, Sodium: 10% …etc
3) Ingredient certificate & Specification of the composition Report
Ø Using your company’s letter head and state all the ingredients list
4) Packaging Specification from factory (COPY)
Ø A Company letter stating the
ü Pack count of the product
ü Description of the product
ü The packaging material use
Ie ABC Maskara. Your letter can be written this way
“ABC MAaskara”, 1 Pack X 6 Pcs = 1 MASTER CARTON.
ABC Maskara is a carbonated Cosmetic carton,
Carton material is: Paper/aluminium foil
Carton material is: half carton box seal with a Plastic
5) Expiry Date Specification,
Ø A Company letter stating how long is the shelf life of this product
Ø Ie. Just use your current company’s letter head and type the following information in “ Our Cosmetic has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of production “
6) Products Process flow chart ( DETAIL )
Ø A factory certificate showing a diagram or image or in written form how this product is manufactured & with a flow chart
7) A Certificate or LAB Report or SGS Lab report of analysis from the
Manufacturer or from a local laboratory (ORIGINAL REPORT NEEDED)
Ø For local Indonesia labs, the test report is only valid for 12 months from the tested date
Ø The product need to be tested in Lab and the results will be submitted to the authorities
Ø The lab report must have the following analysis
1) Microbiological ( 8 parameters – see attachment )
2) Chemical & metals analysis ( 8-9 parameters – See attachment )
Needs to be tested as well for coloring & Preservatives